Thursday, June 27, 2019


Last night I was working at the library. The Atkins District Library, if that matters for some reason. I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned around and, sure enough, someone was staring at me. It was a little kid wearing a raincoat and a pair of yellow boots, which was a little weird, considering it hasn't rained recently. He and I were just about the only people there.

I'd never seen this kid before. I figured his parents were tourists, but that still left the question: where were his parents?

He was just looking at me without saying anything. He didn’t even look away when I caught him looking at me, just kept staring. It was really creepy. After several moments of both of us looking at each other, he started to sing.

"There was a little girl, and she had a little bird,
And she called it by the pretty name of Enza;
But one day it flew away, but it didn't go to stay,
For when she raised the window, in-flu-Enza."

I glanced around for a few seconds. There was literally nobody in the library at that point other than myself and this kid. I began walking up to him to ask where his parents were, but I turned away for a second and he was gone when I looked back.

What was that all about? Am I hallucinating or something?

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